Tom then earned his fourth Oscar for the series. Strangely, its glossy lid is still as shiny as it was in the 1946 episode “The Cat Concert”. The gaze of the surprised guest is drawn to the huge black grand piano. History comes to life here, a cartoon becomes reality. The creak resounds through the rooms, in which every object is a symbol, every detail a reference to the distant past. In the glow of lightning, you can see a sign on the wall: “Tom and Jerry lived here.Ī little effort and the door, the hinges of which have not known maintenance for a long time, gives way. It would not be remarkable at all, if it were not for one “but” – here lived the childhood idols of different generations, the first of which are the same age as our (great) grandparents. An ordinary house, of which there are many dotted along the road. Rain pounding unceremoniously on the roof of a typical house, one of thousands in America’s two-story regiment, a leader in the export of celluloid culture….White fences, roof, bricks in the color of others.